Monday, March 23


Called "Ghost in the Machine," this artwork from "iri5" which uses the original "cassette" to recreate the likenesses of popular musicians. Apparently, cassettes were used for music and back in the 90's that's how music was played and transported via three sources vinyl,CD,and tape cassettes but the tape cassettes was the most popular form.If you was to open a tape cassette you would most definitely find these black "stringy" things that help make this art imaginable.

There's also an Bob Dylan, as well as a Marilyn Monroe made from an the old movie reel film. This dude is dope Mayne.

Here's a Quote From the artist "I am an artist who specializes in using non traditional media… old books, cassettes, playing cards, magazines, credit cards… whatever I can find. It feels great to work with strange, older materials. Things that have a mind of their own. Most everything I use has been thrown away or donated at some point. Past its prime, like some of the finest things in the world"

BIGGGGGG SHOUTOUTS TO GIZMODO For providing the Source,And shoutouts to the artist iri5,expect more from this artist keep a look out


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