Friday, April 24


Those are the TOP 3 "asses" Things in the WORLD!!

Makin the band is soooo wack because it is made for TV like the 2ND season when they where fighting was soooooo real like that was a REAL fight now they argueing over pornos,who goes to who shows all this blah blah argueing over tracklist! this album they put out Day 26 was soo trash well not soo trash but not as good as the first.

Twitter is trash the network is pointless like I update then you follow me then what?? is it like tryna keep tabs on what that person is doin with he or she life?? it's garbage!! all the celebritys on there don't even respond to there fans they don't even follow there fans it's soooo dumb i have a twitter and i barely use it.

Myspace is probably the most over populated trash ever!! like comeon all myspace has become is a music network and a place where guys can see half naked females that 60% of the time it's not even their real picture it's a stolen image i'm also fed up with myspace im 80% of the way from deleting my account deadass. People go on there highlighting how much "swagg" they have then they headline there name with catch phrases from songs or just sayings it's soo dumb myspace will be finished in another 2 years or so.

Enough Venting that's what my blog is for but im gone people!



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