Tuesday, May 19


Dude can ball,most likely have over 300 girlfriends BADD at that,he's rich,and now he can rap??

haha I must admit this video is dope shoutouts to the Davidson University basketball team.


Friday, May 8


What a Day/Night no I'm not Kid Cudi but today was adventorous. I go and run errands,come home and hear about Manny being on Roids shit sucks haha. My afternoon was light tho I chilled with the Twigster, Did my training at the gym you know me I got dreams to attempt to live out ;). It's 2:10AM I'm bout to eat a Hot Pocket watch sportscenter and just Relax I just came from the gym an hour ago so I'm kinda beat

Peace.....to those that read my blog I love you and thanks for the support

Thursday, May 7


So I'm sitting here last night and watching the Lakers V. Rockets game and I notice 3 things Ron Artest is Focused, Kobe Bryant is a trouble maker and Houston is really good.

Ron Artest is like hitting 50-60% of his shots he didn't play nearly this good versus Portland or even during the Regular Season he's like locked in I guess he is really trying to prove Kobe wrong. Mentally Ron thinks he's better than Kobe and he's not afraid you seen how he was about to beat the shit outta Kobe.

Kobe Bryant needs to shut his Damn mouth throughout the whole game he was talking shit to Shane Battier, Shane wanted no part in the "shenanigans" that Kobe was trying to represent all he was doing was playing Great defense and Kobe was making tough shots simple.

But this Blog is Dead Peace.....